Your company can offer the best products at the best prices, but if nobody knows about it, you won’t stay in business very long. Palm Beach Image Factory is an advertising agency with a commitment to giving clients the maximum exposure to their target market within a set budget. We do this by identifying the media formats that best reach a client’s target market and then produce advertising to appeal to the client’s prospective customers. Just because you have a great ad and you run it frequently does not insure exposure to your target market. Don’t scatter your advertising dollars and hope to pick up new customers here and there, let PBIF manage your advertising campaign to reach the right people by focusing on media and advertising that works best for your product or service.
Advertising is not an expense, it’s an investment
Don’t make the mistake of thinking of advertising as an expense; it is an investment in future business. By properly promoting your company, you expand your customer base and increase income. Think of advertising as educating the public about why they need your product or service and reminding them that you are there, ready to serve. To grow your business you need to attract new customers as well as remind existing customers of your value statement – nothing does this better than a targeted advertising campaign.
How can I afford this?
Here is the really great part of letting PBIF handle your advertising campaign; you will save time and money over doing it in-house. Why? Because when PBIF handles your advertising, we manage every aspect, from research to production to media buys. It will cost you less to use our services than doing it yourself or hiring an in-house team. Plus, you will benefit from our knowledge, research and media contacts. When you go direct to media companies like TV and radio stations, their salespeople will only sell you advertising with their network in mind, not your overall advertising needs. Also keep in mind, the cost of the ad-buy is usually the same whether you buy direct or go through PBIF, there is a commission built into the cost of most media. Call us today and compare.
It is our goal to insure that you get the most for your advertising dollars and that you are successful…our success depends on your success. How can you afford not to use our services?
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